
Thailand began a new residency by investment program in 2021. 10 million Thai Bahtor around $330,000 in real estate will be the starting point for a residency permit.Caveats include that the property must be fully built and ready rather than off plan.Thailand also has an elite residency program for higher net worth investors. TheThailand elite residence program offers applicants the right to live in the...

16.United Arab Emirates

In 2019, the UAE government adopted the ‘Golden Visa’, a renewable residency visafor a duration of five or 10 years. This intent was to develop a conducive businessand investment environment. Real estate investors can now apply for the GoldenVisa if they fulfil certain conditions. Minimum investments of around $280,000 orDh1 Million will secure a residency. A five-year visa requires an investment of...


You do not need to be a citizen or resident to buy property in Nicaragua. Foreignerscan purchase property, and own corporations, in the country with the same rights asnationals. Investing $30,000 in real estate projects or the more popular $35,000 intoNicaragua’s reforestation program will get you permanent residency in around 90days.The five-year residencies are still being issued. However, the...


Malaysia – while most people will desire to be citizens of Singapore, Malaysiaseems to be underrated as a residency destination. If you cannot afford Singapore,prove to the Malaysian government that you have a monthly income of $2,300 andmake a bank deposit of approximately $70,000 into a local bank to get permanentresidency. Foreigners who are above 50 years old must prove they have a steadyincome or...

13.The Turks and Caicos Islands

Under the investment route, an individual who has made a significant investment inreal estate, a business or a public sector project in the archipelago may apply for aPRC, for which there is a fee of $25,000.The minimum level of investment to qualify for permanent residency throughinvestment in real estate is as follows:$1,000,000 in the case of Providenciales,$300,000 in the case of other islands.The...

12. Brazil

After having lived in Brazil for four years, you are eligible to apply for Braziliancitizenship; The period of four years can be reduced to three years, if you own realestate in Brazil worth of at least US$ 200,000.There are no actual residency requirements for investors, but they must visit Brazilonce every two years in order to qualify for PR. A “permanent visa”, such as theinvestment visa, allows a...

11. Panama

There are a number of ways to gain Permanent Residence status in Panama throughinvestment. The lowest cost option is an $80,000 investment into a reforestationproject certified by the government. Investors must also own five hectares of titledland. Temporary residency will be granted initially, followed by PR a year later.Panama’s Permanent Residency via real estate investment route is also very...

10. Ireland

Obtaining a "Golden Visa" through the Irish Immigrant Investor Program is the onlypossible route towards Ireland citizenship by investment currently available. In orderto be eligible for an Irish Investment Visa, a candidate must have a legallyaccumulated minimum net worth of €2 million. The applicant must also have goodcharacter, with no criminal convictions anywhere in the world. Before an EU...

9. United States

The United States is a surprising addition to the list of residency by propertyinvestment countries. Many people are unaware of their EB-5 Investment Visa whichgives permanent U.S. residency to those investing into government-approvedprojects across the USA. The EB5 visa grants access to the U.S. education system,the right to live, retire, work and study in the USA, the ability to receive investmentback...

8. Portugal

Portugal offers a Golden Visa investment program whereby investors are affordedcitizenship after a period of residency. Portugal has a strong passport, rankednumber 15 in the world and an extremely popular tourism sector, meaning propertyinvestment is highly rewarding.An investment of €500,000 (or €350,000 reduced option) in real estate in Portugalwill gain a residency permit for a family including...

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